Using mouse olfactory bulb as a model system we compare the performance of genetically-encoded calcium sensor TN-XXL and small molecule calcium indicators; describe how to choose the right calcium indicator and how to load it into the cells of interest; discuss the use of cell type-specific markers and, finally, illustrate the application of this technique for high resolution in vivo imaging of sensory-driven neuronal activity.


For more details see:

In vivo functional imaging of the olfactory bulb at single cell resolution, S, Fink, Y Kovalchuk, R Homma, B Schwendele, S Direnberger, LB Cohen, O Griesbeck, and O Garaschuk, Neuronal Network Analysis (in Press)


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In the healthy adult brain microglia, the main im­mune-com­pe­tent cells of the CNS, have a dis­tinct (so-called “rest­ing”, see image) phe­notype. Rest­ing microglia can only be stud­ied in vivo since any isolation of brain tissue inevitably trig­gers microglial activation. Us­ing in vivo two-photon imag­ing we obtained a first di­rect in­sight into Ca2+ signaling in rest­ing cortical microglia.