Maria Bayliak

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Vatashchuk, M. et al. Impact of caloric restriction on oxidative stress and key glycolytic enzymes in the cerebral cortex, liver and kidney of old and middle-aged mice. Neuropharmacology 247, 109859 (2024) doi:10.1016/j.neuropharm.2024.109859.
Sorochynska, O. M. et al. Every-other-day feeding decreases glycolytic and mitochondrial energy-producing potentials in the brain and liver of young mice. Front. Physiol. 10, (2019) doi:10.3389/fphys.2019.01432.
Bayliak, M. M. et al. Middle aged turn point in parameters of oxidative stress and glucose catabolism in mouse cerebellum during lifespan: minor effects of every-other-day fasting. Biogerontology (2021).
Bayliak, M. M. et al. Middle age as a turning point in mouse cerebral cortex energy and redox metabolism: Modulation by every-other-day fasting. J Exp Gerontology 145, (2021) doi:10.1016/j.exger.2020.111182.
Kuzniak, O. et al. Feeding to satiation induces mild oxidative/carbonyl stress in the brain of young mice. EXCLI Journal 21, (2022) doi: