@article{46, keywords = {Cycloleucine-pharmacology, Cycloleucine, 1-amino-1,3-dicarboxycyclopentane, Synaptic-Transmission-drug-effects, Neurons-drug-effects, Hippocampus-drug-effects, Cycloleucine-analogs-and-derivatives, Rats-, Evoked-Potentials-drug-effects}, author = {O. Garaschuk and Y. Kovalchuk and O. Krishtal}, title = {Trans-ACPD selectively inhibits excitability of hippocampal CA1 neurones}, abstract = {The selective agonist of metabotropic glutamate receptors, t-ACPD (trans-1-aminocyclopentyl-1,3-dicarboxylic acid) (100-250 microM), reversibly inhibited extracellularly recorded EPSP (excitatory postsynaptic potentials) in the CA1 layer of rat hippocampus. This effect was accompanied by depression of electrical excitability of CA1 neurons as revealed by their antidromic stimulation. The excitability of CA3 neurons remained uneffected. Peculiarly, excitatory postsynaptic currents recorded in voltage clamped, internally perfused CA1 cells remained unaltered. Selective depolarization of CA1 neurons may account for the phenomena described.}, year = {1992}, journal = {Eur J Pharmacol}, volume = {212}, pages = {305-306}, note = {Diese Zeitschrift ist in Homburg vorhanden Z 1652}, language = {eng}, }